Get organized! Back to school hacks for busy parents…

It’s that time of year again, and you’ve got a long list of things to do. Student forms, lunch accounts, after-school care and sports, not to mention school supplies! If this is the year you made a vow to get more organized, here are nine tips to make the struggle easier and the kids happier. 


Homework can ruin the evening for everyone. My best tips are to give your child as much choice as possible, like which subject to work on first. Serve a snack to avoid the hangries and build in plenty of breaks for every twenty minutes of homework. Mini dance party! If your child is really struggling, break their work and chores into smaller pieces. Bonus tip: Keep a homework station nearby. Whether it’s a rolling cart or a drawer, having a designated spot for supplies will make life easier for everyone. 


If you just sang that out loud, I think we need to be friends. Oh, the unending madness of washing, drying, sorting, folding and ironing. Who am I kidding? We only use the iron for melting craft beads. But I have eliminated all the sorting by […] [Summer issue]

The Dawgs: Rochester’s best friends

It’s a Friday night in Rochester and the ice has been covered at the Tim Hortons iceplex. The rink is packed with local vendors like Jon’tae EatsJonJohns Bakery, and the Rochester Music Hall of Fame. Food and wine samples are being given out to the ticket holders who have donated to the Holy Childhood school.  

The Dawgs are on stage, playing “What I Like About You,” as an interpreter signs the lyrics. Dressed in matching hockey jerseys with their band nicknames on their backs, these musicians put the fun in fundraising. A crowd gathers, and people can’t help but dance as the band plays “Let’s Go Crazy” while Prince’s music video is projected up on the big screen.  

As Rochester’s premier fundraising party band, these bandmates don’t take themselves too seriously, except when it comes to the causes in their community. This is their third year performing at the Wegmans Wine at Center Ice event, and, just like every other concert they play, they do not accept any form of payment for their performance. […] [July/Aug Issue]

What’s Cooking?

“It’s a beautiful place to work. It’s extraordinary.” 

Head chef Lou Ruscitto-Donato authors the dinner programs at Aurora Cooks!, a culinary experience nestled in a picturesque town at the Inns of Aurora Resort and Spa. During peak season, she offers a different experience for every night of the week, utilizing food and wine from the Finger Lakes area. 

From a panadería in Los Angeles to the shores of Cayuga Lake, her career has taken her from coast to coast. When the pandemic devastated the restaurant industry, Ruscitto-Donato was left wondering how she fit into that picture anymore. She saw an ad for Inns of Aurora and decided to throw her hat into the ring […] [May/June issue]

ROC the Eclipse!

Do you know where you’ll be on April 8 at 3:20 p.m.? Many of us have made plans to gather with friends and don special eyewear. Schools will close as Rochester hosts a one-of-a-kind celebration. Thousands will travel to our area from far away just to be in the path of totality under Rochester’s first full solar eclipse in nearly 100 years! 

Our city is situated to provide a perfect view of the eclipse, and experts are estimating up to half a million out-of-towners will be visiting our area. The predicted height of totality will happen at 3:20 pm., when the sky gets cool and dark, and the sun, moon, and Earth form a perfectly straight line. This syzygy, or alignment, blocks the solar light from reaching the Earth. The entire eclipse will last from 2:07 p.m. to 4:33 p.m. in Rochester.

According to the Haudeosaunee, the world’s oldest confederacy began under a solar eclipse. With the nations at war with one another, a man named Hiawatha attempted to unify the chiefs of the OneidaCayugaMohawkSeneca, and Onondaga into one grand council. It was ultimately the voice of Jigonhsaseh that brought them all together. […] [March/April issue]

Summer Safety

I love to give my kids as much time outdoors as possible during the summer. We’re all in a better mood after a day of fresh air and exercise, and there are many great places around Rochester to go for a hike and appreciate the wildlife all around us. 

Studies show that outdoor play improves gross motor skills and emotional regulation while decreasing stress and rates of childhood obesity, according to Doctor Laura Kopp of Panorama Pediatrics. Here are some tips to stay safe this summer so you can enjoy all the fun. […] [Spring 2024 Issue]

Writing Advice from Authors and Illustrators

I have gotten to know some incredible people on my journey as a writer. Talented friends who are generous with their time and advice. They have graciously allowed me to share that wisdom with you here. I know you’ll be inspired by these fantastic kidlit creators as you continue on your own writing journey.


Meet Linda Sue Park…

Linda Sue Park is a national treasure. She is beloved in the kidlit community and sought after for author visits and speaking engagements as a Newbery award winning author and all around expert at her craft. You probably know her best as the author of A Single Shard or A Long Walk to Water. My family loves her picture books too, especially Bee Bim Bop! and Xander’s Panda Party.

She is passionate about librarians, book bans and the right every child has to see themselves in the pages of a children’s book. I had the privilege to speak alongside Linda Sue on Connections with Evan Dawson recently. Along with Leslie Youngblood and Vicki Schultz, we talked about book bans, diversity in publishing and how to raise readers. You can listen here.

This was a big year for Linda Sue as she launched her own imprint at Clarion Books named Allida. The name and logo honor her Korean heritage and the first title is a middle grade masterpiece. You Are Here: Connecting Flights features interwoven stories from TWELVE different East and Southeast Asian American authors. Check out her website for all of her titles!

She serves on the advisory boards of We Need Diverse Books and the Rabbit hOle museum project. She also created to highlight children’s books created by the Korean diaspora. 

What do you like to do for fun? 

Snorkel, cook, eat, watch baseball games and other sports, garden, play games, spend time with my family.

How long have you been working at your craft? 

Over 50 years! (my mom has poems that I wrote when I was 5)

Favorite writing spot/conditions?

For novels, I write on my laptop…almost anywhere. For picture books and poetry, I usually write first drafts by hand on whatever paper is to hand.

What started you writing? 

 I’ve been writing since…I can’t remember.

What challenges you?

 Every book I write teaches me valuable lessons about how to write THAT book. When I start the next one, I’m in uncharted territory all over again. It’s challenging, but also keeps things interesting.

What keeps you motivated to create? 

Young readers. Children’s authors get to write and create the books that people remember for their whole lives.

What are you working on right now? 

A story that might grow up to be a middle-grade novel, and curating and promoting Allida Books, my imprint at HarperCollins.

Words of wisdom for our members? 

If you knew for certain right here and now that the story you’re thinking about would never be published, would you still write it? THAT’S the story you should write.

Thank you, Linda Sue! I don’t know how she has time to do it all, and still give back to her local community. The Rochester Children’s Writers and Illustrators is a local group of about one hundred local writers and artists who come together to support each other and learn more about their craft. Linda Sue serves as an advisor on our board of directors and has offered her talents as a presenter at retreats and meetings so many times over the years.

She introduced me to the pomodoro method of writing and every time I set my timer to write for just twelve minutes,  I think of Linda Sue. 


Meet Jackie Yeager…

Jackie Yeager is a middle grade author whose stories inspire children to think more, work hard, and dream big. Her middle grade series, The Crimson Five, is light science fiction and includes three books: Spin the Golden Light Bulb, Flip the Silver Switch, and Pop the Bronze Balloon.  She is also my amazing critique partner and has a heart of gold!

What do you like to do for fun? 

I love hanging out with my family. Now that my kids are in their 20’s, time together is rare but always fun. I like taking short trips with my husband and meeting my friends for coffee or wine. I love updating our house. I’m always reorganizing or redecorating something. And I love blogging and creating content for my team-building website. It’s my other creative outlet. 

How long have you been working at your craft? 

For a long time! I began writing seriously in January 2007. I wrote a middle grade novel in three months and queried it immediately. After several rejections, I quickly realized that getting published wasn’t going to be as easy as I thought. I needed to learn how to write and I needed to learn how to structure a story. So, I devoured every blog post on the topic that I could find and read both writing craft books and as many recently published middle grade books as I could get my hands on. I still do all of that to this day.  

Favorite writing spot/conditions?

For years, I wrote whenever I could find a pocket of time, usually in an old recliner while my kids were at gymnastics or hockey practice. But now I have an actual office filled with candles, books, and motivational pictures. It’s quiet and cozy and I love writing in it—day or night!

What started you writing? 

About fifteen years ago, I was working as a reading teacher, where I taught students one-on-one. We read a lot of children’s books! Being exposed to so many great stories made me want to try writing one myself. And so, I did.

Are you agented? 

I’m not agented right now but I was until my agent left the publishing industry. It was nice to have someone in my corner who could open doors for my manuscripts. She was a positive advocate and responsible for my original two- book deal and my option book after that. Now that I have a new manuscript ready, I’m back in the query trenches again! 

One of your favorite kidlit presenters? 

Linda Sue Park presented many years ago. She was a fabulous speaker and I was struck by how confident and knowledgeable she was. She talked about the important role that a critique partner or critique group plays in helping a writer hone their craft. I was inspired listening to her, and maybe a little awe-struck too! Her talk motivated me to work hard and become the best writer I possibly could. 

What challenges you?

The art of storytelling itself. We’re all connected through stories and I’m forever challenging myself to improve the way I share mine. Whether it’s through my books, my presentations, or my blog posts, I’m always working on ways to use my stories to connect with people.

What keeps you motivated to create? 

The countless ideas I have swirling in my head! I have a vivid imagination and I’m never at a loss for story premises or characters. When I have a spark of inspiration, it motivates me to create something for readers that will spark their imaginations too. 

What are you working on right now? 

I’m working on a new middle grade novel. It’s unrelated to the Crimson Five series and it has been so fun to write. The world building is vast and the plot is complex. I realized early on that I can’t tell the whole story in one book. So, the first manuscript is complete but I’m working slowly on the sequel too. Hopefully the first will find a publishing home soon so I can justify working on the second. 

Do you have a favorite author or book that inspires you?

There are too many to list! One of my favorites, though, is Stephanie Garber, author of the CARAVEL (YA) trilogy. Her writing is beautiful, filled with colorful and playful descriptions. It has a fairy-tale quality that I adore. Her plots are intricate too. I’m inspired by her books every time I read them.

Words of wisdom for aspiring writers and illustrators? 

Keep your eyes on your own page! You may feel the urge to compare your journey to someone else’s. But that will only lead to self-doubt. There will always be someone who writes faster, or finds an agent before you do, lands a better book deal, or wins more awards. None of that matters at all. Do your best to remember that no one writes or illustrates like you do or can tell a story with words or pictures like you can. Children are waiting for your books. So, stay focused on that and create something special for them.   

Check out Jackie’s books and blog at

The legacy of Fannie Barrier Williams

If you’re from Brockport, you probably know about Fannie Barrier Williams. But most of us don’t recognize the name, despite her former status as a national celebrity. Barrier Williams was a suffragist, civil rights leader, orator, and changemaker. She was born and raised in Brockport, and hers was one of the only Black families in the community. In 1870, she would become the first Black woman to graduate from SUNY Brockport.

After college, Barrier Williams took a teaching position in Mississippi and experienced a level of racism she had never before encountered. It broke her spirit and led her toward a life as an activist. She moved to Boston to study piano but was asked to leave after her presence made white students uncomfortable. She met her husband, Samuel, and moved to Chicago where he started a law practice, and she became active in the local community.

Barrier Williams started by fighting for women’s rights in the workplace and pushed for housing and health facilities for women and children in poverty. She fought to become the first […] [Jan/Feb 2024 Issue]

PAWS: Life is Better with Baseball

Twelve-year-old Erik Gomez has one dream: to be a professional Major League Baseball player. He wears a championship ring from a tournament in Cooperstown and his favorite player is Fernando Tatis, Jr. of the Padres. Gomez trains five to six days a week at PAWS, a one-of-a-kind center with a turfed field, pitching machines, an amazing sound system and graffiti-lined walls. You may remember PAWS or “Providing Animal Welfare Services” as a group that supports city pet owners. The owners built dog houses, launched a spay/neuter program, and provided low-cost pet care units. Starting in 2018, they worked diligently on a new vision to serve the community through sports. After a few years and a lot of hard work, the youth and advocacy center officially opened. Cofounders Matt and Laura Piccone believe that sports, primarily baseball and softball, will be the catalyst for social change within their community.

“I still have a strong drive to help the animals, but you have to help the people first,” says Matt. “If communities are suffering, animals are suffering. If people are concerned with baseball, they start to […] [Fall 2023 Issue]

Trick or Treating is for Everyone

Calling all goblins, ghouls, and ghosts! Attention: all princesses, Pokemon, and pumpkins! Do your kids love to play dress up? Be sure to add this Halloweenthemed activity to your October calendar. The Al Sigl WalkAbout is a day of indoor fun where families and individuals served by Al Sigl’s seven member agencies gather together for accessible trick-or-treating at Eastview Mall. This free event, held on October 22, ends with a costume contest for people of all ages and abilities. Everyone is […] [2023 Fall Issue]

What I learned about Fannie Barrier Williams:

and how the legacy of this change maker is being kept alive by local students.

I was so honored to visit an incredible group of scholars at SUNY Brockport last fall. They were all recipients of the Fannie Barrier Williams Scholarship. Jianna Howard is their teacher, advisor and mentor. She’s the reason they call themselves a family. 

Michael Hanlon did a fantastic job photographing the students and the buildings around campus.

I am embarrassed to admit that I had never heard of Fannie Barrier Williams when asked to write about these scholars. I have a Masters Degree in education and I had never once heard her name in any class I took or book I was assigned to read. Before sitting down to write this article, I did a ton of research and read Fannie Barrier Williams: Crossing the Borders of Region and Race by Wanda A. Hendricks. Wanda is a history professor at the University of South Carolina and an expert on Fannie’s life.

I wish more children had the opportunity to learn about the life Fannie led and the achievements she made despite being met with opposition at every turn. It’s up to all of us to share the stories of change makers like Fannie.

Please enjoy this article on Fannie Barrier Williams and the students who are achieving their dreams in her honor.

About Me

Sarah Mead grew up reading anything she could get her hands on and her stories won her the future author award in elementary school. As a fourth-grade teacher, she earned a master's degree in writing curriculum, but decided that writing children’s books was much more fun! She regularly publishes magazine articles and leads a group of children's authors and illustrators in Rochester, NY. When she isn’t writing or reading, you can find her belting showtunes in the carpool or playing board games with her husband and three kids. She has a mini-goldendoodle named Oliver who likes to sleep on her feet while she writes.