reviewed by Violet
I read Up and Adam by Debbie Zapata. It’s about a boy named Adam and his dog named Up.
Adam doesn’t say many words. Adam has Down syndrome. But I didn’t even know it until I got to the end of the book because no one in the town treats Adam like he is different.
When a huge storm hits the town, Adam decides to help. Up and Adam walk through town helping neighbors who are cleaning up. They bring cookies to all the helpers. Everyone loves Adam because he is kind and has a big smile.
I loved this book because everyone in Adam’s town included him and knew that he could help. I really liked the pictures by Yong Ling Kang.
The author of this story wrote this book for her son, Adam.
I have two friends in my class who have Down’s Syndrome. I know my class would love to read this book because it’s about including everyone.